What is an adjustment?
If you have had a chance to read about what chiropractic is, then you already know how important your nervous system is. You should also know that stress on a nerve can be detrimental to your health! All of that pinching, twisting, stretching, and inflammation can really affect the amount of information that can be sent to and from the brain. An adjustment is the way chiropractors restore the communication that is ever so important. This is done by very gently realigning the spinal bones, or vertebrae, using hands, instruments, and special tables.
Does it hurt?
Most patients who are new to chiropractic are probably here to manage pain caused by years of wear and tear on the body. For thos of you who are worried about being hurt, you will be pleased to know that Dr. Groves does not subscribe to the "no pain, no gain" theory of wellness! Dr. Groves is a highly trained doctor who will do his best to make you comfortable with your care. If you were to ask other patients about adjustments, they would all tell you how much they enjoy being adjusted!
What is that sound? Are you "cracking" my bones?
Fear not! The sounds you may hear during an adjustment are not the sounds of bones breaking or ligaments tearing. The sound is actually known in the science world as cavitation. It is the sound that a liquid makes when it turnes to gas then into liquid again in the blink of an eye. Misaligned joints become stiff, and loosening them up can cause a slight vaccuum effect that makes a popping sound. Many factors affect the amountof noise you may hear, and in some cases, the joints may not make any sound at all when they are realigned.